Upcoming Events

Community Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Public Event Calendar Guidelines

  1. Use the online event submission form.
    Priority is given to the events that come in through our online form. Submit your listing 1 to 2 weeks (or more) before your event.
  2. Proofread your submission.
    Event listings that need significant work on grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. will not be considered for publication.
  3. Make sure your event is local and intended for a broad public audience.
    If it’s not happening in BEC’s service territory, it will not be considered for publication.
  4. Do not submit events that are overly commercial or personal.
    If your event is a sales pitch, there’s a very good chance it won’t make it on the calendar. We also do not include online events intended for a targeted professional audience; memorial or funeral services; auctions; garage sales, etc.

Thank you for following these guidelines, and for taking the time to share your events with our community!

Submit an Event