Solar Tax Credits

The federal tax credit is 30% of the cost of alternative energy equipment installed on or in your home through the end of 2032.

Qualified equipment includes solar water heaters, energy storage, solar electric equipment, and more. They must be installed by December 31.

The home must be in the U.S. It does not have to be your main home unless the alternative energy equipment is qualified fuel cell property.

Learn more about the Federal Solar Tax Credit (PDF).

On-Bill Financing from BEC

Would you waste the energy you produce with a solar system? The answer is likely no, which is why BEC recommends an energy audit for your home or business before you go solar. Making small changes in your property’s energy efficiency can help you get the most out of your solar investment.

BEC’s Energy Saver program allows members to finance the cost of a solar system, battery storage, and/or electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure on their bill with zero-down and no interest. You can work with BEC or an approved third-party installer to conduct a site visit, size your system(s), and install the system(s).

Eligible for on-bill financing:

  • On-Grid Renewable Energy Generation (Solar)
  • Distributed Battery Storage (Tesla Powerwall)
  • EV Charging Infrastructure

To get started, BEC conducts an in-home energy audit complete with energy analytics.

With Solar Saver you pay the cost of the EIs plus a 5% program fee. These costs together are the Energy Saver Program Charge. The Energy Saver Program Charge is amortized over a period of up to 10 years and is repaid through your monthly electric bill. View our Energy Saver Program page for additional information about this program,

Cash Discounts for Solar

BEC offers cash discounts for solar systems installed by BEC. Paying cash also can provide a shorter pay-back period compared to third-party financing options.

Call us at (830) 331-4500 to ask about other financing options available!

Know Before You Go Solar

Contact BEC about solar before you sign a contract. Visit our other solar pages to learn more about what it takes to connect to our grid:

  • Interconnection Fee
  • BEC Inspection
  • Apolloware Energy Analytics

BEC does not offer net metering, but we do offer special energy rates for consumption and compensation for energy put back on the grid, called Time-Based Usage rates.

Contact Us

If you have questions about our rebates or solar program, please email Energy Services or call (866) 226-3372.