A dishwasher filled with clean dishes, ready to be put away.
10 Bad Energy Habits to Break

Some habits are so ingrained that we don’t even realize we should break them. When it comes to wasting energy, here are 10 no-brainers from the Alliance to Save Energy that could save energy and money on your electric bill.

  • Leaving the lights on in an empty room. Turning them off when you leave a room will save energy and help your lightbulbs last longer.
  • Burning old incandescent lightbulbs. LEDs are safer, more efficient and longer-lasting.
  • Leaving electronics plugged in when you’re not using them. Plug your TVs, computers and phone chargers into power strips you can unplug from the wall that make it easy to turn off multiple appliances at once.
  • Running an extra freezer that’s empty. Unless you really need it for overflow from your main refrigerator or freezer, unplug it.
  • Holding the refrigerator door open while you decide what you want out of it. Staring into the fridge wastes an average of 7% of the energy the appliance uses. Decide what you want to eat or drink before opening the door.
  • Running the dishwasher when it’s not full.
  • Choosing hot water for washing clothes . Unless your clothes are soiled with oil or grease, switch to cold water, which will get them plenty clean.
  • Setting the water heater temperature too high. The Department of Energy recommends 120 degrees.
  • Keeping the thermostat too high in winter and too low in summer— even when the house is empty. A programmable thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature when everyone leaves the house, returns home, goes to bed and wakes up. Just set the times and let the thermostat “remember” them.
  • Forgetting to change the air filters in your heating system. Filters trap dust, pet hair and other airborne particles. Once they’re clogged, your heater has to work harder.