A man cleaning a window air conditioner, removing dust and debris to ensure proper functioning.
A Simple Way to Save on AC

August is peak air conditioning season for a lot of us, and that means your energy bills might be higher now than during any other month.

If you do only one thing to try to lower your energy use during the hot months, clean or replace your air filters.

This might just be the easiest and most important thing you can do to keep your air conditioning bills low.

Dirty filters can hinder the air that flows through them, which makes your system work harder than it needs to. Replacing the filter regularly can also reduce wear and tear on your AC system, extending its life. As air filters become older and deteriorate, they can release fibers and debris directly into the moving parts of your system, which can lead to mechanical breakdowns. A clean filter also screens out pollutants, particulates, and dust to improve the quality of indoor air.

Replacing a dirty filter with a clean one could lower the amount of energy your AC uses by up to 15%.