A woman and her daughter planting flowers in pots, creating a beautiful garden together.
Add an Energy Review to Yearly Spring Checklist

Warm weather has a way of making things grow: flowers, grass, and your to-do list. So what’s one more task? While you’re scrubbing and inspecting your home this spring, check for opportunities to increase energy efficiency around the house. Making a few energy-related repairs could help lower your electric bill all year long.

While you’re cleaning the windows, check for loose or missing caulk and weatherstripping. These energy no-no’s allow cool air to escape from your home during the summer and steal heated air during the winter. That can raise your energy bill no matter the season. A tube of caulk and a little elbow grease can tighten things up.

Are lightbulbs looking dim? Wipe them down to remove excess dust, and trash those incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs come in almost every size and mimic the glow of incandescent while using less energy. They last up to 10 times longer than compact fluorescent lightbulbs and 5,000 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

Replace your dirty air filters, which make your air conditioning system work harder.

Open the windows. If it’s not warm enough yet to turn off the heat and enjoy the fresh air, install a programmable thermostat, which automatically adjusts the temperature so you use less energy to heat your home when no one is there. The device can save you up to $100 a year on heating and cooling bills.

Vacuum under and behind the refrigerator to remove dust buildup that decreases efficiency. If you use an extra fridge or freezer in the garage, turn it off when not in use. If you use it year-round, keep it stocked or fill gaps with extra jugs of water or trays of ice so it will operate more efficiently.