Youth Tour 2024 Winners

The excitement is palpable as Bandera Electric Cooperative proudly announces the winners of the highly coveted Youth Tour for 2024. These outstanding students have been selected to embark on an unforgettable journey to Washington, D.C., courtesy of BEC's sponsorship.

We're thrilled to introduce the fantastic four who will represent our community on this educational adventure: Kassidy Jernigan from Utopia High School, Zoe Zubky from Prospect Hill Homeschool, Taylor Hill from Leakey High School, and Emerson Carter from Comfort High School. Each of these bright individuals embodies the spirit of curiosity and enthusiasm that the Youth Tour is all about.

The Government-in-Action Youth Tour, a cherished tradition among Texas electric cooperatives, offers students a unique opportunity to explore our nation's capital, delve into its rich history, and engage with the leaders of tomorrow. From touring historic landmarks to meeting congressional representatives, this trip promises to be an experience of a lifetime.

"We couldn't be prouder to support these exceptional young leaders," said Bill Hetherington, CEO at BEC. "Their passion for learning and their communities exemplify the values we hold dear at BEC."

The Youth Tour, scheduled for June 16 to June 25, will take these students on a nine-day journey filled with exploration, learning, and friendship. It's a chance for them to gain invaluable insights into the energy industry, foster cultural understanding, and forge lifelong connections with peers from across the nation.

Since its inception in 1965, the Youth Tour has been a cornerstone of Texas electric cooperatives' commitment to youth education and leadership development. Over 4,400 Texas youths have had the privilege of participating in this transformative experience, thanks to the support of organizations like Bandera Electric Cooperative.

As then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson once remarked, "sending youngsters to the national capital where they can actually see what the flag stands for and represents" is a powerful way to inspire future leaders. BEC is proud to play a part in this tradition.

Congratulations once again to Kassidy, Zoe, Taylor, and Emerson on this well-deserved honor. We can't wait to see the incredible impact you'll make on the Youth Tour and beyond!