Pictured from left: Bandera County 4-H Youth Program Educator Kara Spangler; BEC Foundation board member David Ross; BEC Foundation Chairman Toba Wright; BEC Foundation Treasurer Jennifer Curlee; and Bandera County Ag Agent Dakota Kempken.

Bandera Electric Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce the Bandera County 4-H as the winner of the 2022 Members’ Choice Contest.

On Tuesday, May 31, the BEC Foundation board presented Bandera County 4-H Youth Program Educator Kara Spangler and Bandera County Ag Agent Dakota Kempken with a check for $5,000.

“We are so excited and honored to have the support of the BEC Foundation and our community,” said Spangler.

Spangler said the funds from the Members’ Choice Contest will be used to support the growth of 4-H youth activities such as camps, leadership, clubs, and projects.

“We will continue to assist youth, and adults working with those youth, to gain additional knowledge, life skills, and attitudes that will further their development as self-directing, contributing, and productive members of society,” said Spangler. “We are so thankful for the opportunity to be able to support the youth in Bandera County, to make the best better!”

The Bandera County 4-H is part of a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. For more information about the BEC Foundation and its community grant program, or to contribute, please visit the Foundation page.