2 men proudly holding an award on stage, celebrating their achievement.
Pictured right is Tim Landes, BEC Safety & Loss Control Coordinator.

Bandera Electric Cooperative was recognized for nearly a decade of work without a single lost hour due to an on-the-job accident. In total, BEC employees worked 3,452 days without a lost-time accident by the end of 2021.

In one of America’s top ten most dangerous industries, safety is paramount. Each year, BEC participates in the Texas Electric Cooperatives (TEC) Conference where hundreds of line workers and safety personnel gather to celebrate safety accomplishments and promote the development of safety-focused workplace cultures. TEC presented the Safety Achievement Award to BEC’s Loss Control Coordinator Tim Landes at their most recent Conference.

“Employee engagement with safety and recognizing and eliminating hazards was the key to this success,” said Landes. “BEC bases safety on quality of life. We want every employee to go home safely at the end of the day. I think it’s the quality of life that motivates employees to take safety seriously.”

A “lost workday” is a term used by OSHA to designate days away from work and or days of restricted work activity due to an on-the-job accident. BEC’s last lost time incident occurred in July of 2012. Landes said this recent award is motivation to keep striving for more on-the-job safety hours.

“Honestly it’s the next minute that counts,” said Landes. “I would love to see BEC reach the two million mark without a lost time accident.”