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BEC Revises Its Tariff for First Time in Eight Years

Recently, BEC worked with a third-party consultant to conduct a cost-of-service study, and it was determined BEC did not need to increase rates. However, it was important to restructure fees within the tariff to ensure BEC members are not subsidizing any services.

“With all the recent supply chain issues and cost increases, it was important to review the tariff to ensure BEC is adequately covering its costs,” said Becky Bradburn, BEC chief financial officer.

The BEC Electric Tariff fully explains the rates and services provided by the Cooperative for those who are desiring or receiving utility services. It contains all information pertaining to rate schedules, line extension policies, charges, deposits, fees, billing procedures, requirements and more.

“As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, all of our rates, fees and charges are cost-based,” said Bradburn. “We start with our costs to do business, add a small operating margin in case of emergencies and future construction to get to the rates members see on their bill.”

The primary changes include updating engineering fees for new services, as well as updating fees for ancillary services that began after 2014 like Apolloware energy analytics, the Energy Saver Program, energizing a solar array, adding an electric vehicle charger, and updating the time-based usage hours.

Some of the rate restructuring is beneficial to the member like the electric vehicle charger rate, which incentivizes members to charge their car during off peak hours when the cost is the lowest.

BEC is dedicated to its fiduciary duty to the members and the capital of the cooperative. The changes take effect beginning on May 1. To view the tariff in its entirety, please visit the About Us page.