A diverse group of individuals gathered around tables, each holding signs, engaged in a discussion or event.
BEC Supports Utopia ISD Career Fair

On Friday, October 7, Bandera Electric Cooperative participated in the Utopia Career Fair for students in 7th through 12th grade. In addition to BEC's notable construction division, BEC also had representatives from BEC Fiber and the Energy Saver Program, who presented their career paths.

BEC’s expansion into fiber and renewable energy offers new and innovative career paths that historically were not available in rural areas.

“It is difficult for rural students to be exposed to careers outside of ranching and education and the career fair is one way we can open their eyes to opportunities for their futures,” said Ashleigh Kay, Utopia’s school counselor. “We appreciate Bandera Electric, Energy Saver, and Fiber for being an integral part of our career fair. I had numerous students talking about pursuing careers with these branches of the cooperative.”

Throughout the event, Utopia students rotated to the different stations and were provided information about their industry and the career path one can take to enter that field.

BEC’s Energy Saver Program representative, Evan Duran, enjoyed sharing his passion for energy efficiency and renewable energy with the Utopia students.

“At BEC we want to empower the future generations to understand how to use electricity efficiently,” said Duran. “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to explain to students the amazing programs that BEC offers like the Energy Saver Program to help afford major home upgrades. I learned they know more than we given them credit! The future is bright!”

BEC welcomes the opportunity to visit schools, libraries, and community events with a variety of educational presentations. For more information or to request a presentation, visit Community Outreach.