BEC Empowers Member-Owners

Image depicting cooperative principles: voluntary and open membership, democratic control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence.Bandera Electric Cooperative is proud to share the responsibilities of ownership with members. Consumers of BEC are not just customers, but member-owners; BEC thrives on the involvement and input of its members. There are certain benefits these individuals receive when inducted into the cooperative fold.

Autonomy and Independence is 1 of the 7 principles that govern all cooperatives. Being independent allows BEC to exist solely to serve the needs of its members. BEC has a unique ability to acquire federal and state resources, as well as, other independent sources, which benefit member-owners and improve quality of life. Taking into consideration feedback from our members-owners, BEC made monumental changes in the last few years to expand beyond traditional electric service.

BEC recently made agreements with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in order to secure more opportunities for BEC members. These contracts will increase the deployment of high-speed, fiber-optic broadband service to more members, manage electrical vehicle demand and offer energy efficiency solutions in order to lower costs for members.

To find out more about Bandera Electric Cooperative Principles, please visit the About page.