A person sitting in a room next to a portable air conditioner, adjusting the settings on the control panel.
Don’t Make the AC Work Too Hard

Summertime seems to be getting hotter every year, and this summer is no exception.

Here are some tips to give your AC a break when temperatures rise:

  • Call an air conditioning tech. A professional can examine your system and let you know what needs repairing or replacing, which can prevent an untimely breakdown.
  • Change or clean air filters. When filters do their job properly, they trap and prevent dirt, pet hair, and anything else that’s floating in the air from recirculating into your home when the air conditioner is blowing. But dirty filters can prevent air from flowing, too, which makes the AC have to work extra hard to cool your house. The solution: Change or clean your filters once a month during the summer.
  • Make sure the area surrounding an outdoor unit is clear. Debris, plants, tall grasses, and weeds can all block airflow, preventing your unit from working properly or most efficiently. Keep the surrounding area neatly main­tained to ensure nothing interferes with the system’s ability to function.
  • Run ceiling fans. When the AC is running at the same time as a ceiling fan, the room where the fan is located will feel cool enough that you can raise the thermostat by about 4 degrees. A fan doesn’t cool the air, but it creates a breeze that makes anyone in the room feel cooler. Don’t have ceiling fans? A box or stand fan can do the same job.
  • Install a dehumidifier. Another great partner for the AC is an energy-efficient dehumidifier. Lowering the humidity in your home helps the air conditioner work more efficiently because it doesn’t have to waste energy removing moisture from the air and can concentrate on simply cooling it.
  • Don’t create heat. On days when it’s warm enough to turn on the air conditioner, turn off your oven, clothes dryer, lamps, and other appliances that generate heat. Wait until after dark, when the day cools off a bit, before running heat-producing machines. It’s also helpful to close blinds and drapes during the heat of the day to help minimize heat gain from the sun.

If your HVAC needs to be upgraded or replaced, BEC's Energy Saver Program includes an energy audit and can allow you to replace or upgrade your HVAC, electric furnace, windows and doors or insulation, electric water heater, and more with 0 down, interest-free financing paid on your electric bill. Learn more at the Energy Saver page.