A person neatly folds a white towel on a neatly made bed.
Don’t Take a Vacation From Conservation

This summer, don’t take a vacation from wise energy use just because you’re traveling. Here’s how you can do your part to conserve energy and protect the environment, even while you’re out of town.

Bring your energy-wise habits into your hotel room. For example, raise the thermostat a few degrees and turn off the lights and TV when you leave the room. Maintain a reasonable room temperature and keep curtains closed to keep summer sun rays out. Take short showers instead of baths. And unplug cellphone chargers and other gadgets when you’re not using them.

Reuse bed sheets and bathroom towels for multiple nights instead of requesting freshly laundered linens every day during your hotel stay. That will save water and energy.

Rather than spending your stay cooped up in a hotel, enjoy your trip to the fullest by getting out and enjoying the sights and food of the city.