A man operating a portable generator in a room during a power outage.
Generator Safety

Portable generators are a godsend during a prolonged electrical outage—just be sure to use extreme caution while operating them.

Never try to power the house by plugging the generator into a wall outlet. This dangerous practice, known as backfeeding, reverses the electricity flow and sends it out of your house, endangering electric workers and your neighbors. If you must connect the generator to the house wiring, have a qualified electrician do it.

Plug appliances directly into the generator or use an extension cord that is rated (in watts or amps) at least equal to the sum of the connected appliance loads. Check that the entire cord is free of damage and that the plug has all its prongs.

Keep the generator dry and do not use it indoors, in a garage, near open doors or windows, or in rainy or wet conditions.

Bandera Electric Cooperative encourages you to always practice safety.