A person casting their vote by placing a paper into a voting box during an election process.
How Your Electric Co-op Is Governed

Bandera Electric Cooperative functions under a unique business model. Like all co-ops, we are member-owned, governed by specific rules and principles, and committed to the 7 Cooperative Principles.

As a cooperative, BEC is a nonprofit organization owned by those it serves—that’s you!

Your membership means you are vested in the organization, and the money you pay for electrical service goes into the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the electrical distribution infrastructure.

It’s been that way since 1938, as laid out in our articles of incorporation. Additionally, BEC follows the rules set forth in our bylaws, which provide a detailed description of how the cooperative functions and is structured.

Overseeing the operations of the cooperative is a board of directors. The board is made up of members who live in our community and use the electricity that we provide. The membership (that’s you again!) elects them to their positions. Board members meet regularly to help ensure that the co-op meets the needs of its members, and they partake in training opportunities to stay up to date on co-op operations and industry information. During the annual meeting, the board meets publicly with members to make important decisions.

Also guiding the smooth operation of the cooperative are a general manager and a staff of skilled professionals, including member services personnel, dispatchers, lineworkers, engineers, technicians, and more.

Inflecting it all are the 7 Cooperative Principles, which guide cooperative businesses all over the world. Although not legally binding, they set the tone for how co-ops do business and set them apart from other businesses. The principles are Voluntary and Open Membership; Democratic Member Control; Members’ Economic Participation; Autonomy and Independence; Education, Training, and Information; Cooperation Among Cooperatives; and Concern for the Community.

It takes the entire team, board of directors, and members to keep BEC operating the way it was intended and providing safe and reliable electricity in our communities.