A man on a rooftop with solar panels, harnessing renewable energy for a sustainable future.
Interested In Solar? Let’s Talk!

Bandera Electric Cooperative is committed to helping our members find affordable, reliable and safe energy options. Here are some tips to help you evaluate a rooftop solar array.

Is rooftop solar a good option for me?

Maybe. Whether and how much you will benefit from a residential solar array depends on:

  • How much you pay for electricity and how much you use.
  • Your roof.
  • Federal, state and local incentives for solar development.
  • Your rooftop solar provider. BEC can design a system for you, or evaluate a contract from a third-party with you before you sign.

BEC can help address many of these concerns.

Is my house suitable for a rooftop solar array?


  • Does your roof face south or west, and is it shaded?
  • Will you need to replace your roof sometime during the life of the panels? If so, you should replace your roof first.
  • Have you explored all of your energy efficiency options? Your electric cooperative can help you reduce your energy use and properly size your array.

Will solar panels provide electricity during an outage?

No. Without a battery system and a smart inverter, most rooftop arrays cannot provide power during outages.

What should I know before I sign a contract?

It depends on whether you purchase or lease an array. If you’re purchasing a rooftop solar array, be sure to ask:

  • What is the total installed (turnkey) cost of the system?
  • What is the payback period? What are the assumptions underlying that estimate? Are those assumptions consistent with my situation?
  • Are tax credits available? If so, how much and who gets them?
  • Does the company offer warranties on panels and inverters?
  • What are the details of the service contract?
  • What type of maintenance do the solar panels need? Who is responsible for that?
  • What are the interconnection requirements with my co-op? Will I still get an electric bill?

If you are leasing panels in a rooftop array, be sure to ask:

  • What is the upfront cost of the system?
  • Are there other customers in the vicinity with comparable systems? How much electricity do their systems produce?
  • Can the lease be transferred if I sell the house?
  • What are the interconnection requirements from my co-op, and who is responsible for meeting them?

How can I protect myself and my investment?


  • Are the installers certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners to install photovoltaic systems?
  • When was the company established? How many residential solar arrays has it installed since then? Can the company provide a list of its projects and references for them?
  • Ask for all details, promises and claims in writing and take time to review them before signing any contact.

Install Solar With BEC's Energy Saver Program

Want to make improvements or install solar but can't afford to pay out of pocket? BEC's Energy Saver Program may be a good fit for you. With the program you can upgrade or replace your HVAC, furnace, windows, doors, and insulation and install a solar power system and battery storage with zero down, interest-free, on-bill financing. Visit Energy Saver page to learn more.