A person digging a hole in the ground with a shovel, surrounded by dirt and rocks.
Landscape With Energy Efficiency in Mind

Thoughtful landscape design can help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter—a boon for your electric bill.

A well-placed tree can shave up to 25% off a home’s air conditioning bill, and a shady, grassy yard can be much cooler than a sunny, paved yard.

Plant deciduous trees on the south and southwest sides of the house to provide shade from the sun in the summer. After deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter, the sunshine will help heat your home.

Plant evergreen trees and shrubs on the north and northwest sides of your home to provide shade year-round.

Evergreens also provide a windbreak, so plant them where they will protect the home from wind. Plant windbreaks at a distance from your home of 2 to 3 times the expected height of the mature tree.

Before planting a tree, consider its proximity to the house and power lines. If there are overhead power lines nearby, plan to leave plenty of space between the tree’s mature size and the lines.

Avoid planting any trees too close to the house if they require frequent watering.

To identify the location of underground power lines and other utilities, call 811 before you dig.