A woman interacting with a smart home device, adjusting settings on the screen.
Place and Program Thermostats Carefully to Save

When it's cold outside, it’s tempting to leave the thermostat at a set temperature so it’s warm inside when you get home. People sometimes assume leaving the heat up saves energy because the system won’t have to work as hard later.

But that’s not the case.

It’s more efficient to heat your home only when you’re home and need it, which means turning the heat down when leaving the house or setting a smart or programmable thermostat to do so. You can save as much as 10% on your heating bills by turning your thermostat down for eight hours during the day—typically when you’re at work and not at home, or when you’re sleeping at night—according to the Department of Energy.

In addition to using thermostats correctly, the right thermostat location is key to keeping you comfortable and saving money on energy costs.

Don’t put the thermostat where there are temperature extremes, which can make the thermostat think that a room is a lot cooler or warmer than it actually is. Thermostats near doors, windows, bathroom doors, warm appliances or heater vents operate on faulty information.

For the best results, put your thermostat on an interior wall. Exterior walls are often closer to the temperature outside than other walls in the home. This will make the thermostat think that this unusually cold or hot area represents the rest of the home and will kick on to cool or heat when it really doesn’t need to.

Place the thermostat in a high-traffic area. A thermostat in a room or hallway that’s rarely used won't be reading the temperature of the area needing to be heated or cooled. Another option to consider is using a smart thermostat that works with remote wireless sensors that can be placed throughout the home. With these sensors, the smart thermostat is able to adjust temperatures based on the temperature of any room in the house.

Make certain your smart thermostat is unobstructed by doors, bookshelves or decorations so that its sensors can work properly. Also ensure it’s placed in range of the Wi-Fi router so that it can stay connected. As always, consult a professional if you have questions about your home’s wiring.