Most of us have spent this brutal summer dreaming about cooler temperatures. But now that the season is upon us, are you sure your home is ready for winter? Drops in temperature, winter storms, and the holiday season all put pressure on the grid. Make sure you’re not wasting energy and spending more than you need. Luckily, a home energy audit by BEC takes all the mystery out of energy use.

Have you had your windows inspected? If you can see light through your window frame or feel movement when you open or close the window, you may need to have them replaced or caulked. Gaps in windows and doors let out more air than you realize and can cost you hundreds of extra dollars in energy costs.

Your HVAC worked hard all summer. Can it handle the winter? Turning on your heater for the first time can be a fire hazard if you haven’t checked your HVAC in a while. Make sure it’s running safely and efficiently with a home energy audit by BEC’s Energy Saver team.

The holidays are a wonderful time to gather with family and friends. If you’ll be spending some time away from home, make sure you turn off unneeded lights and appliances and turn your thermostat down a few degrees before leaving. This will protect your home and your wallet! If you’re the host this year, make sure you’re prepared for the added energy use. Your heater, cooking appliances, and pumps will all be working harder than usual for the larger group of people.

These issues and more can be spotted ahead of time by conducting a home energy audit with BEC’s Energy Saver Program. To learn more call (830) 331-4500 or visit the Saver page.