A young boy with glasses gazes out the window, lost in thought.
Saving Energy Is Just as Green as Solar Panels

Most electricity comes from large power plants that produce many megawatts for widespread consumption, but concerns over the environment and electricity costs have prompted some consumers to invest in their own power supplies.

Known as distributed generation, or DG, on-site power sources draw electricity from wind turbines and solar panels. But not everyone is interested in or can afford to install DG equipment. Here at Bandera Electric Cooperative, we’d like to remind you that reducing electricity consumption can be just as green as generating your own power.

Options for energy conservation can include simple techniques such as wrapping water heaters with a thermal cover or using a solar clothes dryer (i.e., a clothesline). More involved procedures include upgrading your home’s insulation and adding roof vents.

For more ways to conserve electricity, whether it’s to save money or protect the environment, visit the Energy Tips page.

We encourage members to work with us before investing in DG. We have experts on hand who can help you understand the upfront costs and long-term savings of solar power and discuss the best options for our area.

Power installations connected to the electric grid must be approved by the co-op and follow safety and electric reliability guidelines for the protection of our employees and other co-op members. The guidelines also ensure that the performance of the entire electric distribution system is not jeopardized.

Also please be aware that there are scammers and dishonest installers hoping to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers who are in the market for renewable energy options. Before signing a contract, please call us at (866) 226-3372 to verify the legitimacy of sales companies and contractors.

We recognize our members’ diverse approaches to energy conservation and want to remind you that we are a resource no matter which direction you go—using less power or generating your own.

To learn about our on-bill financing options for DG, visit the Energy Saver page.