A man and boy collaborating on a project, discussing and brainstorming ideas together.
Teach Kids About School Electrical Safety

The new school year is a good time to teach your children about electrical safety. Some bases to cover:

  • Stay away from power lines and transformers at school, along the way, and anywhere else.
  • Don’t stick pens, pencils or other objects into electrical outlets. An average of seven children a day are treated in hospitals for burns or electric shocks because they tampered with wall outlets.
  • Warn teens who drive that they should move over and slow down when they see utility crews working on the road.
  • If an electrical power line is on the street, assume it’s live and stay well away from it.
  • Don’t plug too many devices into an electrical outlet or a power strip. Older college dorms carry increased risk as the wiring often isn’t equipped for an overload.
  • Fly kites and drones far away from power lines. Electricity always finds the quickest way to the ground, which could be down a kite string if it touches an energized power line. If a flying toy hits a power line, it could cause a power outage or worse, a downed power line, which is extremely hazardous.
  • Stay away from electrical substations. If a ball or toy ends up over the fence surrounding a substation, please call Bandera Electric Cooperative for help. Substations should only be entered by trained professionals with the proper safety equipment.
  • Never play on Transformers. Underground pad mount transformers should be clearly marked with a safety warning. Teach kids not to climb on or play around these boxes.
  • Don’t climb trees near power lines. If branches touch the wires, the tree could be energized. Even branches that are close, but not touching a power line, could become dangerous in windy conditions or if the weight of a child is added.
  • Electricity and water don’t mix. Keep all electrical equipment away from water.
  • Never yank an electric cord from the wall. Pulling the cord could damage the appliance, plug, or outlet. Remove the appliance safely by pulling on the plug.