Board of Directors
The Power Is In Your Hands

Did you know that every electric cooperative in the country shares the same 7 principles? Among these are voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, members’ economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, cooperation among cooperatives, and concern for the community.

BEC finds significance in all 7 values, but especially democratic member control, which is actively used in our annual meetings. In fact, our next annual meeting is approaching on Saturday, August 13, and it is very important to participate and exercise your right of democracy for the betterment of the co-op. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.

Why is voting important, you may ask? Having democratic member control means that members actively participate in policy and decision-making within the co-op. This is important when new services are brainstormed and created, like fiber broadband, solar, and other energy efficiency programs, for instance. BEC offers new and innovative services in the pure interest of BEC’s members, which is what our directors and employees love to emphasize.

BEC values providing reliable service and improving the quality of life for our members, and it all starts by electing directors who you think will make all the difference.

Board directors establish the strategic direction of the cooperative and govern and direct its affairs. They also have a fiduciary responsibility to the membership; they take members’ interests into account while developing policies in ways that best fit the co-op’s needs. For a more personalized approach, directors are live in and represent each of the 9 districts in BEC’s service territory.

This year, directors from districts 7, 8, and 9 are up for reelection. They are Christopher Blakemore, representing Lakehills, Medina Lake, and Mico; Michael D.T. Edwards, representing Boerne West, Tapatio Springs, and Champee Springs; and Kurt Solis, representing Comfort, Stoneleigh and Welfare West, respectively.

By attending this year's virtual annual meeting, you will hear BEC news, progress, financial information, and plans for the future from BEC CEO, Bill Hetherington. You will also get the chance to meet your board of directors; voting for them ends the day before the meeting, August 12 at 11 a.m. It doesn't end there, though, you also have the chance to win prizes! BEC is giving away more than $8,000 in prizes this year.

More information about the BEC Board of directors can be found on the Directors page. More information about the Annual Meeting can be found on the Annual Meeting page.