Electrical switches and sign on a panel.
Tips for a Safer Workplace

It’s no secret that safety is always a top priority at Bandera Electric Cooperative, and our team has a few tips you can use to ensure everyone’s safety in your workplace. These tips are just as relevant to many of our members as they are to the employees at your cooperative.

  • Prevent trips and falls. Secure all workspace cables and cords to avoid tripping hazards.
  • Use tools and equipment safely. Always follow manufacturer guidelines and safety instructions.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets, and report any malfunctioning equipment to the appropriate management.
  • Stay hydrated, especially during summer months or if you’re working outdoors.
  • Take breaks to stretch and reduce eye strain.
  • Keep informed about safety procedures. Ask your human resources contact for information about safety procedures if you are unsure.
  • Maintain a clean work area to prevent slips, falls or spills.
  • Use proper lifting techniques when lifting heavy objects. Ask for a colleague’s help when needed.
  • Be prepared. Know where emergency items, like first aid kits and defibrillators, are stored.
  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment required for your job.
  • Keep emergency exits clear of equipment, carts or any other items that could block doorways.
  • Report any unsafe working conditions to your supervisor, whether a hazardous situation or behavior.

Workplace safety is our shared responsibility. We should all work together to ensure a safe working environment.