A man with a mustache standing next to a sign that reads "Moustache Making Difference."

November is upon us, and it brings with it a special opportunity to celebrate facial hair and philanthropy at Bandera Electric Cooperative (BEC). This month, we are thrilled to announce our unique and entertaining event: the quest for "Mr. Movember." Join us as we embark on a journey to find BEC's most distinguished mustache, all while making a positive impact on the community.

Embracing the Movember Spirit

Movember, an annual event observed during November, encourages men to grow mustaches to raise awareness about men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. It's a movement that has gained global recognition, with participants proudly sporting their mustaches as a symbol of support and solidarity.

At BEC, we have taken the Movember spirit to heart and added our unique twist. We are inviting our dedicated staff members to participate in a friendly mustache competition to determine who will be crowned "Mr. Movember." This fun and engaging event not only showcases the creativity and flair of our team but also brings our community together for a great cause.

Meet the Competitors

Our devoted staff members have eagerly embraced the challenge, each growing and grooming their mustaches with passion and enthusiasm. From handlebars to horseshoes, and even the classic 'stache, our competitors are putting their best facial hair forward to win your votes.

The Power of Your Vote

Here's where you come in. Starting from November 16 and running through the 26, you, our valued members, have the chance to cast your vote for your favorite mustache. The voting ballot will be emailed to our membership on Thursday, November 16. You will have until November 26 at 8 pm to cast your vote. The winner will be announced on Monday, November 27 on our social media chanels. It's a simple yet impactful way to participate and support a great cause. For every vote we receive, BEC will donate $1 to the Arthur Nagel Community Clinic up to $2,500, an organization dedicated to making a positive difference in our community.

Your vote not only helps us choose our very own "Mr. Movember" but also contributes to a charitable cause that's close to our hearts. It's an opportunity to rally behind a shared purpose and make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

The Grand Finale

The culmination of our "Mr. Movember" event will take place on Giving Tuesday, November 28th. On this special day of generosity, our winning mustachioed marvel will proudly present the donation to Arthur Nagel Community Clinicon behalf of BEC. It's a moment that embodies the spirit of community and giving, combining fun with a sense of purpose.

So, as we embark on this journey to find BEC's "Mr. Movember," we invite you to join in the excitement. Keep an eye out for our dedicated staff members and their fabulous mustaches, and don't forget to cast your vote to support a meaningful cause.

At BEC, we believe in coming together to create positive change, and we are excited to have you on board for this fuzz-tastic adventure. Let's make this November a month to remember, all while supporting men's health and our community. Together, we can achieve great things, one mustache at a time!


You must be a BEC member to vote, and only one vote per member account is permitted. Duplicate accounts will not be counted toward the donation or the selection of the "Mr. Movember" winner. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event or the voting process, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Public Relations. We are here to assist and provide clarification on any inquiries you may have. Thank you for your understanding and participation in this exciting event!