A young girl peacefully sleeping on a pink pillow.
Working Alarms Could Save Your Life

If your home has a fireplace or any gas appliances, you should install carbon monoxide alarms in or near every bedroom.

The CO alarm will react when it senses that carbon monoxide levels in your house are too high, usually because an appliance is malfunctioning. CO alarms do not detect natural gas leaks.

Here are 8 tips for ensuring your CO alarms work when you need them:

  • Most warranties cover only 5 years, so replace your alarms at least that often.
  • Replace batteries at least once a year or when the device starts making a chirping sound. That’s usually the indication of a low battery.
  • Test the alarms regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions—often by pressing and holding the test button for 20 seconds.
  • Install CO alarms at least 10 feet away from sources of humidity like showers and bathrooms, where steam can trigger false alarms.
  • Place a CO alarm on every level of your house and at the top of the basement stairs, even if there are no bedrooms on those floors.
  • Do not put an alarm in the garage or kitchen or a room with a gas furnace.
  • If your alarm goes off too often, it probably means it’s too close to a fireplace, gas furnace or stove. It also could mean that your gas appliances are not burning the fuel completely. If you see a yellow or orange pilot light, that could be the case. Call a plumber to check it out.
  • Leave alarms plugged in all year, not just during heating season. Your gas stove, clothes dryer and water heater are potential sources of dangerous leaks. And a running vehicle in the garage can cause deadly gas buildup in the home.