Use Extreme Care Around Power Lines

  • Before climbing a tree, check for overhead wires running near or through limbs. If lines are present do not climb the tree for any reason. Avoid the area when moving ladders, installing antennas, or doing other activities involving tall objects. Keep kites, model airplanes, and other toys away from power lines. If anything becomes tangled in wires, do not try to remove it.
  • If you encounter a downed power line, do not approach it for any reason. Always assume that the line is energized and dangerous. Never touch an object that is in direct contact with a downed power line — including a car, tree, fence, or another person. Electricity can travel through people as well as objects. If a line is down, warn others and contact BEC or law enforcement immediately
  • Do not prune trees growing over or into overhead power lines. Long-handled pruning tools—especially metal tools—are extremely hazardous around power lines. Contact us if you need help.
  • There are also millions of miles of buried utilities below ground, often in unexpected areas. A few days before any digging around your property, call 811 to prevent injury, property damage, service outages, and potential fines and repair costs. It’s a free call.